4 Frame Nuc
2025 tested queen, large population of bees, 3 frames of brood in a variety of developmental stages, and 1 frame of honey/pollen.
Source: Brood will be sourced from our operation. Queens will be supplied by a southern producer who we have successfully utilized in the past. Hive will receive a mite treatment and a health assessment by an experienced beekeeper before pick-up.
Early May = $155.00/each
Early June = $135.00/each
Early July = $115.00/each
Pick-up: Early May depending on weather.
5 Frame Nuc
2025 tested queen, large population of bees, 4 frames of brood in a variety of developmental stages, and 1 frame of honey/pollen.
Source: Brood will be sourced from our operation. Queens will be supplied by a southern producer who we have successfully utilized in the past. Hive will receive a mite treatment and a health assessment by an experienced beekeeper before pick-up.
Early May = $170.00/each
Early June = $150.00/each
Early July = $130.00/each
Pick-up: Early May depending on weather.