4 Frame Nuc

2025 tested queen, large population of bees, 3 frames of brood in a variety of developmental stages, and 1 frame of honey/pollen.  

Source: Brood will be sourced from our operation. Queens will be supplied by a southern producer who we have successfully utilized in the past. Hive will receive a mite treatment and a health assessment by an experienced beekeeper before pick-up.   

Early May = $155.00/each  
Early June = $135.00/each
Early July = $115.00/each

Pick-up: Early May depending on weather. 

5 Frame Nuc

2025 tested queen, large population of bees, 4 frames of brood in a variety of developmental stages, and 1 frame of honey/pollen.   

Source: Brood will be sourced from our operation.  Queens will be supplied by a southern producer who we have successfully utilized in the past. Hive will receive a mite treatment and a health assessment by an experienced beekeeper before pick-up.   

Early May = $170.00/each  
Early June = $150.00/each
Early July = $130.00/each  

Pick-up: Early May depending on weather.

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to learn more about queens and nucs including installation procedures!

Need additional information or have more questions? We’d be glad to help!